The fertility journey is not easy for some of us and when we approach specialists in the industry, the experience is not always as nurturing and encouraging as we’d like.

“At my first fertility appointment, at the ripe (young) age of 37, my specialist told me that because of my age, we should “get moving with IVF because your eggs are old and will be no good”.
I was shocked, devastated and deflated.
Arriving at that first appointment, I was full of excitement and optimism about what the future might hold, when I left that appointment however, I felt crushed and my hope was diminished.
We participated in two IUI cycles, went through four rounds of IVF with no success. I started to believe this old man doctor. I was living what he had told me, I believed my eggs were too old and no good and so that’s what my body presented me with.
After a while, I became angry. Angry that science couldn’t ‘fix’ me. Angry that IVF wasn’t the promise it was made out to be. I was angry that everyone around me was falling pregnant and that even with the help of IVF, nothing was happening for me.
Then, one day a very wise lady asked me to wonder. To wonder what it would be like for there to be one good egg, ready for conception. I began thinking about this concept and felt motivated. It was true, that it does only take one egg and one sperm (in most cases) to create new life. I wondered what it would be like to fall pregnant naturally. I started wondering about the eggs journey down the tube and into my uterus.
I started to believe it was actually possible!
Guess what - All my pregnancies since, have been natural conceptions!
I stopped letting others tell me that my eggs were no good, or that IVF was my only hope. I took control of my own fertility, changed my diet, introduced supplements and a few other alternative and complementary therapies and got in-touch with my inner self - this was the key for me!
One of the most important changes for me, was to get out of my head and into my body. To learn to trust that my body knows exactly what it needs and when it needs it and, that there are subtle queues it sends when it needs to.
How can you start to listen to and trust your body?
To really tune into what your body is telling you, create some time and space where you can be away from distractions such as electronic devices, other people and business and just…breathe! By breathing deeply and purposefully, we can bring ourselves back to center by focusing on the breath.
Do a body scan. Focus on the various parts of your body (lower, middle, upper) and notice whether you feel any aches, tightness or heaviness. Focus in on these areas, tense your muscles and take a deep breath as you release the muscles and visualize the release of any tension in that are, see how you feel!
Consider whether you may need to take supplements! Did you know that vitamin E (for example) helps a newly fertilized egg to attach to the uterus lining, it also influences nerve development, and even protects the developing fetus from damage. Too much isn’t good for you though, so it’s important to get the balance right! Visit your GP and ask for a blood test to check your vitamins and minerals.
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Whether you are on the ART or natural conception path, there are a number of ways that I can assist, contact me for a one-on-one support session to discuss how I can support you on your fertility journey.!